DIGI is installing Fiber in your street and you have questions?

We have all the answers and more.
DIGI Fiber

DIGI Belgium

Here we are, the new and fourth national operator. DIGI Belgium is a collaboration between the experienced Romanian telecom provider DIGI and the Belgian connectivity expert Citymesh. This combination of international expertise and strong local roots makes us a powerful challenger for the Belgian market. It allows us to shake up the Belgian telco market with competitive prices. Finally.

Brand new in Belgium, yet we can already rely on solid and financially stable shareholders. DIGI provides telecom services to more than 24 million customers in Romania, Spain, Portugal, and Italy. In these other European countries, we rolled out our own network, connected more than 20 million households with fiber, and built thousands of mobile antennas. Quite impressive, right?

What is our mission, and how do we differentiate ourselves?

At DIGI, we understand our customers. We know what they expect and need from their telco operator. Telecom has become a basic necessity in daily life. Imagine a day without the internet, and you'll understand why. That's why we promise to keep telecom accessible through honest, transparent pricing. This way, as a DIGI customer, you get more for less, and thus save money for the things that really matter for you.

Commitment to honesty and transparency: We offer top-quality telecom and service at fair prices. Promise.

Building meaningful relationships:By removing barriers to accessing digital services, we make society more accessible for everyone and connect people along the way. DIGI is rewriting the telecom story in Belgium. We stand out by prioritizing customers over profit, constantly seeking efficiency, and having a true passion for technology. We embrace the DIY principle as true MacGyvers.

DIGI is rewriting the telecom story in Belgium. We set ourselves apart by putting customers before profit, through our constant quest for efficiency and a true passion for technology. And by wanting to do everything ourselves, because if you do it yourself, you do it better!

Customer-oriented: Fair, transparent, and unprecedented prices. Simple, convenient, and exceptional user experience. The perfect marriage, with excellent customer service as a witness.

Efficient operations: Vertical integration, maximising group synergies, and economies of scale to invest in our own assets. In human language, smart working is smart saving.

Advanced Technology: Efficient, fast, and cost-effective deployment of top-notch network technologies and high speeds. Only the best is good enough.

Why are we coming to Belgium?

Belgium is an intriguing country. Relatively small and fairly saturated, the Belgian market offers a great opportunity for DIGI to make a real impact. Here, we can turn the telecom market upside down and show that telecom can and must be different—first as a challenger but ultimately as a leader.

Why Belgium:

  • The telecom market in Belgium is one of the most expensive in Europe
  • The available mobile spectrum
  • Relatively little fiber deployed
  • The political will to stimulate competition
  • Dissatisfaction with existing customer service and network quality

But most importantly, Belgium craves a fresh breeze in the telecom sector! As a new player, we also want to stimulate competition to provide everyone in Belgium with fair rates and excellent service. We are committed to the long term and always want to offer you value for your money

What is our strategy in Belgium?

The Belgian telecom market is dominated by players that bundle services like mobile, internet, TV, and fixed telephony into one package. To offer Belgian customers an alternative, you must enter the market with more than one product.

The DIGI group has been around for a while and has a wealth of experience in building and operating networks and delivering quality to consumers. Bonus: thanks to our local roots, we know the Belgian market very well.

Our strategy is based on a strong DIY (do it yourself) principle, which allows us to be highly efficient and cost-saving in our daily operations, thanks to economies of scale. What we learn in Spain, we might apply in Belgium and vice versa. We also build our own infrastructure and network systems using advanced technologies. This way, we always maintain control. 

We aim to transform the Belgian telecommunications market and challenge the status quo with competitive prices and customer experiences. We strive to win the hearts of Belgians, build our brand, and secure a strong market position to become the new telecom reference.

When will we offer our services?

Starting in the summer of 2024, expect high-quality mobile, TV, and internet services, with excellent customer service, at prices never seen before in Belgium. Stay updated via our website and social media channels.

DIGI fiber rollout

DIGI won the auction for mobile spectrum in 2022 and officially became the fourth operator in our country. DIGI aims to offer fast and reliable mobile internet at fair prices, allowing you to game, stream, download, chat, video call, and, of course, do everything at once. This is possible because we are building our own network with the goal of covering the entire country within five years. Until that day, we are collaborating with Proximus in areas where we have not yet rolled out our own fiber to offer national coverage.

In parallel, to complete our range of services and meet all telecommunications needs, DIGI will offer ultra-fast Internet at home, while maintaining our vision: the best quality, at the best price.

Why are we building our own network?

Fixed network operators have only two options to offer internet services: rent the network from another company (which has already rolled out that infrastructure) or roll out their own network. With our extensive experience rolling out fiber to more than 20 million households in Europe and a strong belief in the power of doing it ourselves, we have chosen to build our own network.

By rolling out our own network—as we have done in several other European countries—we ensure maximum control and flexibility to innovate, quickly solve problems, introduce the latest technologies, and always respond swiftly. This way, we can offer high quality at extremely low prices.

How do we build our network?

A fiber network's architecture and deployment method vary from municipality to municipality, depending on type and population density. We design our network according to three zones: high, medium, and low population density. The higher the population density, the faster and more cost-effective our rollout is, requiring less material, fewer heavy civil work, and less human resources.

Our network has two main layers: the active, non-visible layer (systems) and the passive layer, or the visible infrastructure. The passive layer includes fiber optic cables, distribution cabinets, poles, and conduits.

  • Facade cabling: carefully attached to the facade
  • Aerial cabling: installed between two poles
  • Underground cabling: installed in special conduits (requiring excavation)

Our network's rollout begins with installing our passive infrastructure to "pass homes with fiber" (Home Passed). When you become a DIGI customer, your home must be connected (Home Connected). Our technicians will carefully drill a small hole to bring the cable from outside to inside and connect it directly to your router, after which DIGI Fiber can be activated (Home Activated)!

We are currently focusing on A-zones (high density) to roll out our fiber as quickly and efficiently as possible to the largest group. This means that, with a few exceptions, most of our work will consist of facade cabling.

How do we generally install our cables?

Our experienced technicians carefully place the cables in the most suitable locations, considering the existing infrastructure to ensure minimal disruption and aesthetic impact. The process involves drilling small holes for screws that securely hold the cables in place. The wires are then attached along the architectural lines of the building and positioned next to any existing wires. This method ensures a neat, unobtrusive installation that seamlessly blends with the building's design.

Why do we limit underground cable installation in densely populated areas?

Installing underground cables involves extensive excavation work. This process is more expensive and causes significant disruption, such as prolonged construction sites, noise, and disturbance to the local environment.

By installing cables above ground, we can ensure a faster, more efficient rollout with minimal disruption in your street, neighbourhood, or district. Additionally, this keeps our prices low, allowing us to offer our customers prices never seen in Belgium while still delivering lightning-fast internet.

Underground cabling is still necessary when facade cabling is not possible or in less densely populated areas. In this case, our experience in other countries has shown that "duct overbuilt" and sharing it is the most efficient method. For this, we are still awaiting approval from different market operators.

How long do these works take?

Installing fiber optic cables on facades usually takes only a few minutes per home or a few hours per street. However, we use alternative methods such as underground or aerial cabling when facade cabling is not feasible (due to local regulations, technical constraints, or to protect and preserve heritage). 

To optimize the rollout, these tasks are often completed in a subsequent phase, which may give the impression of unfinished work (e.g., a hanging cable roll). Don't worry, we will, of course, finish this neatly. We aim to minimize disruption for residents during our network rollout by always choosing the best technical solutions.

Legal framework for our fiber rollout

In Belgium, different rules and laws govern telecom operators at the federal, regional and municipal levels. These laws and regulations create rights, but also duties for DIGI Belgium, and of course we strictly follow them. 

Anyone who wants to offer telecom services must register with the Belgian Institute for Postal Services and Telecommunications (BIPT) according to the federal law on electronic communications of June 13, 2005. 

One of the most important rights granted to operators is the right to use the public domain and properties to lay cables, lines, and associated equipment. This right is regulated by the federal law of March 21, 1991 (Article 97). Operators can exercise this right free of charge and pass through public or private works in the public domain for free.

Additionally, registered operators have the right to attach cables to buildings' facades and cross properties for network rollout (Article 99). This right applies to every operator and cannot, in principle, be refused unless, for example, it concerns a protected building and specific rules apply.
This means that new rollouts on facades cannot be refused, even if cables from another operator have already been installed on that same facade. If a dispute arises, the operator must try to find a solution, and the property owner can file a complaint with the BIPT within eight days of receiving a registered letter from the operator.

Need more information? The BIPT's special website (https://infofibre.be/en) provides information about rights and obligations.

Municipalities & Operational Process

DIGI understands how important it is to communicate and collaborate well with municipalities during the rollout of our new fiber network. Before rolling out fiber in a specific zone, we usually follow a strict process that ensures our agreements with municipal representatives are adhered to.

Meetings in advance: before we begin the network rollout in a municipality, our team holds a series of preparatory meetings with municipal representatives and/or the technical teams.

Kick-off meetings:

  • Political-level meetings: Preferably, we first consult with political officials, such as the mayor or an alderman, to discuss our project and outline how we can improve residents' quality of life. We also provide an initial overview of our planned network rollout (network design) and how we will minimise any inconvenience for the municipality and its citizens.

  • Technical-level meetings: In some cases, the municipality chooses to limit meetings and only requests meetings at the technical level. We sit with the municipal staff responsible for public works during these meetings. These meetings provide detailed information about our planned activities, working methods, safety measures, the different phases of our work, etc. We also make arrangements to communicate with residents, report, and interact with the municipality throughout the implementation phase.

Permits & approvals: After the municipality approves the rollout of our network, we will immediately begin applying for all the necessary licenses. These include permits for urban planning, operating a classified installation, and all other permits required for the rollout of fiber. Since the regulations here are mainly determined at the regional level, different licenses and approvals are required per region (Flanders, Wallonia, and the Brussels-Capital Region). 

The different types of permits that may be required:

  •  Environmental Permits
  • Urban Planning Permits
  • Signage permits
  • Construction and work permits
  • Road occupancy permits
  • Cable and conduit permits

The Federal Public Service Economy's website provides more information about the permits and regulations in force in Flanders, Wallonia, and the Brussels-Capital Region  

(Link: https://economie.fgov.be/en/themes/online/broadband-competence-office)

Public communication: Once our plans are approved and we have received all the necessary permits, we send letters to residents to inform them of our planned activities. These letters provide all relevant information, such as project objectives, timelines, expected activities, and measures DIGI is taking to minimize inconvenience (here's an example of a letter: https://s.go.ro/igmdnkto)

Start of rollout: Once the above is completed, we will start the activities as quickly as possible, following the planned schedule.

Rollout status

Commune Notification (start date): 10/07/2023

Citizens Notification (start date): 15/09/2023


Commune Notification (start date): 11/09/2023

Citizens Notification (start date): 15/02/2024


Commune Notification (start date): 07/11/2023

Citizens Notification (start date): 15/02/2024


Commune Notification (start date): 21/02/2024

  • Laeken
    Commune Notification (start date): 21/02/2024
    Citizens Notification (start date): 02/04/2024
  • Neder-Over-Heembeek
    Commune Notification (start date): 21/02/2024
    Citizens Notification (start date): 02/04/2024

Commune Notification (start date): 26/03/2024

Citizens Notification (start date): 10/04/2024


Commune Notification (start date): 27/03/2024

Citizens Notification (start date): 10/04/2024


Commune Notification (start date): 25/03/2024

Citizens Notification (start date): 10/04/2024


Commune Notification (start date): 06/05/2024

Citizens Notification (start date): 23/05/2024


Commune Notification (start date): 17/05/2024

Citizens Notification (start date): 07/06/2024


Commune Notification (start date): 21/05/2024

Citizens Notification (start date): 07/06/2024


Commune Notification (start date): 04/06/2024

Citizens Notification (start date): 05/06/2024

DIGI & you

We understand your concerns when it comes to the installation of fiber. Don't worry; we ensure that during our rollout, we respect the (characteristics of) properties and comply with all regulations, whether it's about protected buildings, detached houses, or unique facades. Learn more about your rights, our commitment to preserving the aesthetics of properties, and everything we do to provide a smooth and respectful service.

Some examples (Rights of property owners)

I own a protected or classified property and oppose the installation.

Heritage is sacred; we do not place fiber optic cables on the facades of classified buildings and will seek another solution for our network installation. More information about the heritage status of a building can be found on these websites:

  • Brussels Urbanism and Heritage
  • The inventory of architectural heritage
I own a building on the heritage list (protected or preserved) and oppose the installation.

Just like with classified buildings, we respect the buildings on the heritage list and will not place fiber optic cables on the facades. We will seek another method for our network installation.

I own a house in a GCHEWS zone and oppose the installation.

We highly value the unique nature of GCHEWS zones and are committed to preserving them. Living in a GCHEWS zone is not enough to refuse our installation unless your house is on the heritage list and protected. In all other cases, we will install the cables along the facade to legal requirements and ensure that the installation is as discreet and respectful as possible without compromising the aesthetics of your property.

I own a house with a non-typical facade (e.g., external insulation, unique materials).

We understand that every house is unique, and we will consider the specific characteristics of your facade to find the best installation method. Our goal is to ensure an efficient installation while respecting the unique features of your property.

I own an apartment in a building with multiple apartments.

We will install the cables along the facade according to legal requirements. The internal cabling will be carried out in a second phase, only after the owners' association (Syndicus) or the owners' council approval. Please ask your syndics to put this item on the agenda of the following general meeting. We assure you that we only carry out installations on buildings that are not classified or listed as heritage. We start with small buildings with a few apartments, while larger buildings are planned for a later phase. Our goal remains to provide a fast fiber connection for as many people as possible while respecting your property's and environment's unique features and ensuring a smooth installation.

I am a tenant; what should I do with the DIGI flyer?

If you have received a flyer from DIGI, it is important to inform your landlord, especially if you live in a particular building, such as a classified house, a heritage property, or a building with external insulation. Your landlord must be aware of the planned installations to ensure compliance with regulations and address any concerns or objections. Passing this information on to your landlord helps facilitate a smooth installation and ensures the best outcome for all parties involved.

Specific problems and solutions

Why did DIGI technicians leave cables on my wall?

The coiled wires on your wall will only be hanging for a short time. In the next phase of our network rollout, which is coming soon, they will either be moved across the street or buried underground. In the meantime, we assure you that the remaining cables are safe. 

Do you want to report damage caused by a DIGI technician?

We take every report very seriously and strive to resolve every incident quickly. Send photos and a detailed description of the damage to care@digi-belgium.be. Our team will thoroughly investigate and take the necessary measures to rectify the situation. Your satisfaction and property are our top priorities.

Objections and Legislation

Can a property owner oppose the installation of cables or boxes on their wall if their house is a classified building?

At DIGI, we fully respect all laws and regulations protecting property and heritage. Owners of classified buildings have the right to oppose the installation of our fiber optic cables. We appreciate these properties' heritage and unique nature and will not carry out installations on these facades. 

More information about your rights can be found on the BIPT's official website: https://www.infofibre.be/en

If you have a valid reason to object to the installation of a fiber optic cable on your facade, please email us at care@digi-belgium.be with your exact address and objections.

What does the law say about installing our own infrastructure?

As a recognized telecom operator, DIGI naturally complies with all legal and regulatory requirements for rolling out our own infrastructure. We have permission to install fiber optic cables on the facades of homes along the sidewalk without needing individual permits. We have obtained the necessary permits to roll out our network, and the installation work is registered on the OSIRIS, GIPOD, or POWALCO platforms and approved by the competent authorities.

For more detailed information about the legal framework, visit: https://www.infofibre.be/en

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